Helen Adams Bicycle Ride PhotoDr. Helen Adams has been volunteering at CrossOver as a primary care physician for four years. This fall, as she prepared to celebrate her 50th birthday, she wanted to mark the occasion in a creative, meaningful way. She decided to invite friends and family to join her for a 50-mile bike ride on the Capital Trail, and in lieu of gifts, she asked folks to donate to CrossOver in honor of the occasion.

Bob Burton SignsBob Burton has also been volunteering at CrossOver for the last four years. He works in CrossOver’s eye clinic doing patient work-ups and visual screenings. He and his wife Libby live in a nearby neighborhood where each home has a metal placard displaying its address. Bob noticed that his address placard was looking worn, so he took it down, repainted it, and put it back up. Libby thought it looked nice and suggested Bob paint a couple for neighbors who might have trouble fixing their own.

Soon, Bob’s handiwork was catching the eye of more people in the neighborhood, including the community’s executive director. At Bob’s request, she placed a short article in the neighborhood newsletter inviting residents to contact Bob if they’d like their signs spruced up. There’s no charge, the article noted, but Bob “is encouraging optional donations to crossoverministry.org.”

Helen’s and Bob’s creative fundraising has combined to raise over $4,400 so far from over 110 individuals, the vast majority of whom are first-time CrossOver donors. We are so thankful for the many kinds of gifts our volunteers offer, and we are delighted that Helen and Bob have each found ways to connect their interests and skills with their commitment to compassionate healthcare—both in and beyond the clinic.