We’re so happy to welcome Kaitlyn Patterson, RN, our new quality control nurse, who joined us in June. Kaitlyn has a background in pediatrics, having spent time serving at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU. She is currently working on her masters in nursing informatics, a degree that focuses on using statistical analysis to study trends and patterns in order to optimize patient care.

In her role at CrossOver, Kaitlyn is in charge of programmatic and administrative needs related to nursing. She will specifically be in charge of vaccination and testing efforts (including influenza, COVID-19, childhood, and older adult) and patient education (COVID-19, healthy lifestyle changes, childhood obesity, nutrition, oral health education, and more). She will review and revise patient education materials used in the clinic as well as overall program needs related to nursing, like protocols, policies, and documentation.

Through orienting and training new volunteer nurses, as well as coordinating staff education, Kaitlyn will ensure the structure and content of the nursing program is current, accurate, efficient, and in line with nursing best practices.

The quality control nurse is a new position at CrossOver (in the planning stages, we sometimes referred to it as the public health nurse) and it is funded through support from the Community Foundation for a greater Richmond, Rotary Club of Richmond Foundation, the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics—and you. Your generosity, particularly through last year’s Compassionate Care Awards, has made this position possible. We are so excited about all that Kaitlyn will do with your support to enrich volunteer, staff, and patient experiences across our organization.

Even a few short weeks into her work with us, Kaitlyn is feeling at home. “Everyone here has such a caring spirit and a heart for ministry,” Kaitlyn says. “It’s infectious.

“There’s so much I’m excited about,” she adds, “but I’m most excited about being part of the team.”

Welcome, Kaitlyn! We’re so glad you’re here.