CrossOver is a non-profit organization that provides high-quality, compassionate healthcare to uninsured and Medicaid patients.
CrossOver does not receive direct federal funding, or have access to federally funded prescription drug programs. We rely on the generosity of our volunteers, donors and community partners to sustain our mission.
We are called to provide high quality healthcare, promote wellness, and connect community talents and resources with people in need in the name of Jesus Christ.
A healthy, vibrant community where every person is restored by the compassionate, healing love of God.
Core Values

Being honest and trustworthy, we create a safe environment where we are all good stewards of ministry resources.
Reaching out in love with kindness and respect, we listen, assess need and provide hope and guidance.
Creating unity with humility through teamwork, we help, encourage, and affirm one another.
CrossOver follows Christ’s example that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. We do this at our clinics by offering comprehensive, quality healthcare to community members who are uninsured and medically underserved. We demonstrate our fervent belief that our patients, volunteers, and employees are valuable and deserving of respect.
We serve as a safe and inclusive provider of healthcare, respecting all cultures and faith traditions. We are grateful to God for the gifts and resources of our patients, donors, volunteers, and employees.
Our beliefs are demonstrated by the following:
- Delivering healthcare with compassion
- Conscientiously stewarding gifts and resources, to use them as a practical demonstration of God’s love
- Caring for the whole person by fostering physical, emotional, social, interpersonal, and, at the patient’s direct request, prayer support.
Our employees and volunteers, while varying in religious beliefs, find common ground in our commitment to providing care to our neighbors. Through the quality and compassion of that care, we strive to honor God in a way that acknowledges our past, guides our present, and sustains our future.

On a bright Saturday in November 1983, Dr. Cullen B. Rivers and Rev. Buddy Childress treated the first patients of CrossOver Healthcare Ministry. For at least a year, the two men had been dreaming about how best to use available resources and talents to “cross over” the divides that troubled them: the divide between people and God, the divide separating people from one another, and the divide between people and the resources they needed to flourish. Now, they stepped into ministry with few tangible resources—they had little more than a sheet for privacy and a bare light bulb hanging from a cord—but an abundance of faith and compassion.
At first, Dr. Rivers and Rev. Childress tried to meet every need they encountered, from legal counsel to financial need to medical care. Over time, they came to believe that quality healthcare was the essential first step to addressing other needs, so they focused their efforts accordingly. Meanwhile, local partners began to help meet funding needs, and volunteers began to offer their skills and expertise.
The dental care program was added to CrossOver’s services in 1987, and vision care was added in 1990. After being housed in various locations in its first eight years, CrossOver opened its Richmond Clinic on Cowardin Avenue in 1991. The Henrico Clinic opened in 2005, and now the two clinics together serve over 7,000 patients each year.
Photo: Dr. Helen Adams with patient.